Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello. My name is Heather. I just made a trundle bed.

Yes.....I did! Here is how:
Gather your supplies.
Piece of plywood cut to my measurement by nice man at Lowes...check.
Five wheels.....check.
Some screws......check.
Two handles.......check.
Diet Dr Pepper.....check.
Attatch the wheels.....
Carry to girls bedroom (all excited)...only to discover you must have measured wrong. Get hand saw and remove 2 inches....get blisters on your hand and sweat off your new spray tan.... Find that it now fits perfectly.....Thank You God!
Attach two handles at perfect width for Ella's little arms......
And you get this........ Melts my heart.
So....yes, I am quite proud of myself for this one. It is not perfect, but it works and it only cost about $50.00 rather that $120 like the one I found at the furniture store. I was planning to paint it but after all the sawing....I'm done for tonight. I also am going to sand the corners down because I can forsee injury if I don't get rid of those sharp edges.
good night to tha peeps...


Jen said...

Sa-weet! I'll keep you in my speed dial for when Caroline gets to that age, and wants to redecorate her "big-girl" room! :)

Motherhood SO brings out the handy-manny in us all!

Cara said...

I will start referring to you as Handy-Heather!

Rachel Brown said...

Little Martha!!

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Anonymous said...

Great design. I am going to do the same concept for my teenage daughter. I just needed pictures to show Ken, my husband. Thanks, Michele